Whirlwind of Thought

I feel like I have jamming at life a bit lately. I'm not singing one song, but improvising somewhat as I tumble along. I have made one big decision that is not part of this jamming. I placed my enrollment deposit to start my PhD at Northeastern University this coming fall, I have accepted that offer, and I have to think a lot about how much work with PSI and other obligations I should be carrying. There are a lot of daily, weekly, monthly, and potentially years long engagements that I have decisions to make for. I don't mind this decisional jamming, in fact I am probably doing better off playing around with all these opportunities than picking something for the sake of having stability. I have been thinking about stability as well. Do I say 'yes' to too many people for the stability it brings? Saying 'no' can bring stability as well, stability in the emptiness of one's schedule. The opportunity cost of saying 'yes' is freedom. That freedom, which leaves one's mind to wander and fill the moments with reflection. Too much of that reflection can actually turn into a bad thing though. 

That's what I mean about jamming, I've got a lot of thoughts rolling about up there.

I have had a great year so far and I think it will only continue to be well. I am practicing songs to play at an informal event in Somerville in a month. I have been engaged with activities of the WMBR radio station. And I have been trying a few new meals, activities, and social engagements. Life is good. 

Finally back at the station.

In one of these social engagements, there was someone in allergic distress. I had the privilege of helping them to the emergency room on a Sunday night. In the waiting room, I happened to have time for a chat with another friend who was there for supporting the person under distress. It was a good chat. We went over the struggles of our interpersonal relationships and it's funny how those great conversations hit you at the oddest of places and times.

I ran along the Merrimack last week. I found this flower's fleeting bloom.

I want to run a half or full marathon in the fall. I did some stadiums at Harvard two weeks ago.

I went skiing for the first time a few days after my last blog post. I will go again. It was a blast.

Good Times are Made

  Since my last post, I travelled to Switzerland for Thanksgiving and I enjoyed Christmas with my family in Michigan. In the case of both ho...