Moving Quickly and Trying to Slow Down this Fall Semester


I feel like I blinked and September is gone. New challenges in front of me and some assignments completed. I have always enjoyed moving quickly and efficiently through work, obligations, chores, and the like. My calendar is as full as it was when I was my busiest ever. It's a somewhat fragile state of affairs at times, but I am getting this all done for a good cause.

The New England Robotics Conference last weekend was a nice time. Brett and I shared work on our soft robotic fingers fabricated with viscous thread printing. Went to the first college-esc party I have been to in a while. Not sure if that is my scene anymore. Dancing and squats and long runs to keep my health up.

There are plenty of things to stress about, but I can see why I am doing this all. It's very clear and I am quite motivated. Looking forward to Thanksgiving :)

Moving Quickly and Trying to Slow Down this Fall Semester

  I feel like I blinked and September is gone. New challenges in front of me and some assignments completed. I have always enjoyed moving qu...